What Is a Soccer Heat Map? A Full Guide

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When a match is on, soccer players don’t usually stay glued to one spot. They zip around the field, creating moments of brilliance (or epic fails!) in the blink of an eye.

Sometimes, it’s tough to keep up with all the action, especially when things get lightning fast. Thanks to heat maps, we can track how players move during the game. 

A soccer heat map is a 2D color-shaded plot that provides a snapshot of where the most action happens on the pitch.

Now, the burning question is: Can soccer heat maps help teams get a win? That’s what you’re about to find out.

What Is a Soccer Heat Map?

A soccer heat map is a colorful representation of player positions on the soccer field during a match.

One look, and you’ll know where a player or the team has been most active on the field

Think about a goalkeeper’s heat map. It mostly covers the penalty box area, as the goalkeeper stays there throughout the game (or should do!).

On the other hand, a midfielder’s heat map goes across the entire field since midfielders cross various parts of the pitch during a match.

How Are Soccer Heat Maps Generated?

Depending on the software, heat maps use data from GPS, wearable trackers, or other technology.

Usually, players wear a tracker vest or small sensors in their cleats to collect loads of data about their in-game performance.

When you look at a heat map, the soccer field is divided into a grid of pixels, with each pixel representing a small portion of the field. You get a bird’s-eye view of player movements across the entire pitch.

As players move around the field, the sensors record their presence on these pixels at regular intervals.

They feed data to the software, which then generates information about where each player has spent their time on the pitch.

The final output is a color-coded heat map showing areas of player activity.

How to Read a Soccer Heat Map

Let’s take a brief tour of the soccer heat map visuals:

  • Color Intensity: This represents player activity. Warmer colors like red and orange indicate high activity, while cooler colors like blue and green hint at low activity.
  • Pitch Locations: Pay attention to where the color clusters are. They indicate the player’s preferred positions on the field.
  • Direction: Arrows or patterns within the heatmap show the player’s average direction or movement patterns during the game.

Benefits of Soccer Heat Maps

So, what can soccer heat maps tell us apart from player positions on the pitch? A lot, actually!

Here’s how to make the most out of soccer heat maps:

1. Analysis of Players

Kim Stagg, a midfielder from Winter Springs, Florida, crushed it in the women’s soccer season finale in 2017.

In a game where they tied 2-2 against Emory University, Stagg’s heat map showed her footprints covering over 90% of Fauver Stadium.

Then there’s Marta, the undisputed queen of women’s soccer.

Being a lefty, her heat map revealed her preference for the left side of the field during the first half of a 2019 National Women’s Soccer League showdown. Her squad was going full-throttle towards the goal on the right!

Coaches find heat maps super helpful for assessing player performances and spotting both strengths and weaknesses.

For instance, a heatmap may show that a midfielder is effective at controlling the central midfield or that a winger tends to drift into the penalty area.

Penalty Area of a Soccer Pitch

2. Tactical Awareness

Heat maps reveal where a player has spent most of their time on the field. This information can help coaches assess whether a player’s positioning helps the team.

Let’s say a team’s strategy revolves around ball control and quick transitions.

Heat maps can reveal whether a midfielder hovering in central areas can facilitate these tactics. On the flip side, if a winger keeps sticking to the defensive half, it might be time to rethink their role in carrying out the team’s game plan.

Coaches can use heat maps during halftime or between matches to make tactical adjustments. If they see that their team isn’t pressing effectively in a particular area, they can address this and regroup.

3. Defensive Strategy

Defensive heat maps show how a soccer team operates as a defensive unit. They help coaches correct issues and fine-tune their defensive strategies to gain an advantage over opponents.

When they see a central defender going rogue or a midfielder taking an extended vacation up front, they know it’s time for a strategy huddle.

Maybe it’s time to tighten the defensive screws, adjust player positions, or even switch up the formation.

4. Passing Patterns

Soccer penalty kick with teen female goalkeeper

Soccer heat maps can also show passing patterns. Most importantly, where on the field do players frequently distribute the ball?

For instance, a midfielder might consistently spread passes across the midfield to set the game’s rhythm.

Or, a forward might have a penchant for quick one-twos with fellow attackers in and around the opponent’s penalty area.

Certain passing patterns can encourage you to exploit an opponent’s weaknesses or strengthen ball circulation.

5. Team Analysis

Coaches and soccer sleuths use soccer heat maps in their analysis of team dynamics.

Are they compact in defense, or are there gaps that opponents can exploit? Are they dominating the midfield or relying heavily on wing play?

They can show issues coaches and trainers might have missed by just eyeballing the game.

Female soccer team meeting and discussing during the match

Limitations of Soccer Heat Maps

Can soccer heat maps narrate the story of a game?

Yes, with a bit of added context.

Heat maps indicate ball touches, but they don’t reveal whether they led to a tackle, a goal, or something in between.

You must also think about the scoreline, the timing of a play, individual plays, and overall strategy.

The Final Score

We’ve all heard the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” right? That’s exactly what heat maps are all about.

A soccer heat map is a colored lens to see the pitch in a whole new light. It reveals details that get past casual observation and adds a fascinating layer to game analysis.

The brighter the color, the hotter the action—that’s where the ball is, and that’s where you should be!

So, if your heat map looks like a neon disco in the opponent’s penalty area, you’re doing something right. But if it’s as cold as the North Pole, well, we’ve got some work to do!

This article was written by

  • Mia Johnson, Fitness Expert & Soccer Coach

    Hello! I'm Mia, a high school Physical Education teacher in Orlando, Florida by day and a soccer blog contributor by night. My journey with soccer began just like any other enthusiastic player - on a local field, chasing after a ball and dreaming big. Soccer became my way to teach, inspire, and connect with others. In addition to my role in education, I've taken my passion for soccer a step further by earning a coaching qualification. This badge not only represents my commitment to the sport...